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Dr. Martin Wulf
Partner since:
Lawyer since:
Studied in:
Dissertation on criminal tax law
- 1997 to 1999 Research Assistant at the Institute for Criminal Tax, Business and Environmental Protection Law at Kiel University
- Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Tax Law Working Group of the German Bar Association
- Lecturer at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
My path to Streck Mack Schwedhelm
Following my criminal law training at the chair of Prof. Dr. Samson in Kiel and my doctorate in criminal tax law, it was clear to me that I wanted to become a lawyer focusing on tax law and criminal tax law. I was aware of the firm of Streck Mack Schwedhelm in Cologne due to the fact that Prof. Dr. Samson and Dr. Schwedhelm had been jointly involved in defending clients. I had already prepared a draft application as a trainee lawyer. However, I didn’t go to Cologne for my elective traineeship, but rather to the Haarmann Hemmelrath firm in Munich, not least to gain insight into a large law firm. Then my destiny took over. Streck Mack Schwedhelm had published a job vacancy in the NJW (Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, a weekly legal journal) which persuaded me to apply once more in Cologne. During the interview it became clear to me that this was the atmosphere in which I wanted to work – and that is how it has remained to this day.